22. Oktober 2024

Global Blockchain Survey 2021

Lesedauer: 2 Minuten
Deloittes Blockchain Surrvey 2021_low_new

Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey sheds light on the increasing importance of blockchain technology in the financial services industry (FSI). Surveying nearly 1,300 executives globally, the study emphasizes the critical role digital assets play in the digital transformation of the financial sector.

Key Findings of the Survey:

  1. Strategic Priority of Digital Assets:
    • 80% of respondents regard digital assets as crucial for their industry’s development, highlighting blockchain’s transformative potential.
  2. Risk to Current Business Models:
    • Over three-quarters of participants fear their existing business models are at risk if they fail to adopt blockchain technology and leverage digital assets.
  3. Focus on Financial Services:
    • The survey particularly focuses on the FSI, where blockchain is seen as a key driver for new product and service development.
  4. Emergence of Digital Assets:
    • For the first time, the survey places significant emphasis on digital assets, reflecting their growing integration into mainstream financial services.
  5. Challenges and Opportunities:
    • While cybersecurity and regulatory hurdles remain significant challenges, the survey suggests these barriers will diminish as the technology matures and regulatory frameworks evolve.
  6. Pandemic-Driven Digital Transformation:
    • The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital transformation in financial services, making blockchain’s role even more crucial in reshaping processes and enhancing transparency.

Diverse Applications of Blockchain Technology:

The survey outlines a wide range of blockchain applications within the financial services industry:

  • Disruption in Financial Services:
    • Blockchain is enabling the restructuring of processes and creating new business potentials through enhanced transparency and efficiency.
  • Regulatory Evolution:
    • There is a growing need for regulatory frameworks that support innovation while ensuring security and compliance.
  • New Business Models:
    • The emergence of new business models, such as cryptocurrency custody services and token-based payments, is gaining traction in the market.


Deloitte’s 2021 Global Blockchain Survey demonstrates the pivotal role of blockchain technology in the financial services industry’s future. With increasing adoption and strategic importance, blockchain is set to drive significant changes and innovations. Financial institutions must navigate the evolving landscape, addressing challenges and seizing opportunities to stay competitive and relevant.

Download the Survey


Global Blockchain Survey 2021. (2021, 27. Oktober). Deloitte Deutschland. https://www2.deloitte.com/de/de/pages/innovation/contents/global-blockchain-survey.html

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