14. Februar 2025

Deloite: Global Blockchain Survey 2020

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In recent years, blockchain technology has evolved from a speculative concept to a strategic priority for many businesses worldwide. Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey offers a comprehensive look into this transformation, drawing insights from nearly 1,500 senior executives across 14 countries. The findings underscore how initial skepticism is being replaced by a recognition of blockchain’s potential to drive innovation and efficiency.

Key Findings

  1. Strategic Priority:
    • 55% of the respondents now rank blockchain among their top five strategic priorities, an increase of 12 points since 2018. This shift reflects a growing belief in blockchain’s ability to significantly impact business operations and strategy.
  2. Adoption in Production:
    • 39% of surveyed organizations have implemented blockchain in their production processes, up 16 percentage points from 2019. This indicates a move from theoretical applications to real-world use cases.
  3. Hiring Trends:
    • 82% of executives are either hiring or planning to hire employees with blockchain expertise within the next 12 months, showing a 9 percentage point rise from 2019. This trend highlights the increasing demand for specialized skills to support blockchain initiatives.
  4. Digital Assets:
    • 89% of respondents believe that digital assets will be „very important“ or „somewhat important“ to their industries within the next three years, a new metric introduced in 2020. This reflects the anticipated impact of digital assets on various sectors.

Diverse Applications of Blockchain:

The survey reveals significant advancements in several large-scale blockchain initiatives, including:

  • Financial Infrastructure: Blockchain is simplifying global money transfers and trade processes, enhancing efficiency and transparency.
  • Trade Finance: Distributed ledger technology is improving trade finance operations.
  • Track-and-Trace Platforms: Blockchain is being used to enhance the traceability of goods in supply chains, ensuring authenticity and reducing fraud.
  • Daily Operations: Blockchain applications are expanding into everyday processes such as transferring and protecting property rights, storing and retrieving patient data, and improving food procurement traceability.


Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey indicates a clear trend towards increased blockchain adoption and investment. Businesses are no longer viewing blockchain as merely an experimental technology but as a critical component of their strategic planning. This shift is driving companies to allocate more resources and hire specialized talent to support their blockchain initiatives.

Downlaod Survey


Deloitte’s 2020 Global Blockchain Survey. (n.d.). Deloitte Malta. https://www2.deloitte.com/mt/en/pages/technology/articles/2020-global-blockchain-survey.html

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Deloitte ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Prüfungs- und Beratungsdienstleistungen, einschließlich Audit, Steuerberatung, Risikomanagement und Finanzberatung. Mit einer Präsenz in über 150 Ländern und mehr als 330.000 Mitarbeitern engagiert sich Deloitte dafür, einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf Kunden, Mitarbeiter und die Gesellschaft zu haben. Deloitte ist bekannt für seine Fähigkeit, komplexe Geschäftskonzepte verständlich zu vermitteln und bietet fundierte Einblicke in die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen in der Wirtschaft. Weitere Informationen findest du hier.

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